A collection of videos for reference and listening comprehension practices.

CCBG Lectures | Pinyin Practice

Level 0 & Up | Level 1 & Up | Level 2 & Up

Level 3 & Up | Level 4 & Up | Level 6 & Up

Pinyin Practice


23 consonants, 23 vowels, 16 syllables and 4 tones.

Recommended For Students In CCBG's Level 0 & Up

Chinese Mythology Series Playlist — Journey To The West 西游记

(Duration: Approx. 20-23mins per episode)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: The famous and beloved series about the adventures of Tang Seng (Monk Tang) and his disciples — Sun Wukong (the Monkey King), Zhu Wuneng (Pigsy), Sha Wujing (Monk Sha) and the Dragon Prince who stays in the form of a white steed — as they make their way across China to India in search of the Sutra.   

Andersen's Fairytale — The Ugly Duckling 丑小鸭

(Duration: 23m52s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The classic tale of The Ugly Duckling.

Grimm's Fairytale — Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

(Duration: 20m22s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The classic tale of The Little Red Ridding Hood.

Grimm's Fairytale — Cinderella 灰姑娘

(Duration: 40m48s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The classic tale of Cinderella.

Andersen's Fairytale — The Little Mermaid 小美人鱼

(Duration: 23m48s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The classic tale of The Little Mermaid.

Children's Cartoon — The Life of Silkworm Babies 蚕宝宝的一生

(Duration: 6m55s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: None

Synopsis: The children takes on the task of raising some silkworms!

Recommended For Students In CCBG's Level 1 & Up

Children's Story — The Three Little Bunnies 小兔子乖乖

(Duration: 3m46s)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: The story about three very smart bunnies staying home alone and remembered their mother's words not to let anyone in. This simple story incorporates singing in its narrative.

Classic Children's Story — The Little Kitten Fishing 小猫钓鱼

(Duration: 4m01s)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: This tale tells the story of the little kitten that was unable to catch any fish because he is constantly distracted by other things.

Arabian Nights Tales — The Sparrow and the Peacock 小麻雀的故事

(Duration: 3m51s)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: Based on the classic tale of "The Sparrow and the Peacock" from Arabian Nights, this story teaches the lesson that avoiding a problem is not a solution.

Popular Children's Cartoon Playlist — Thomas the Train 湯瑪士小火車

(Duration: Approx. 10mins per episode)

Dialect: Taiwanese Mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The Chinese-dubbed version of the original series in English.

Real Life Conversations — Going To School For The First Time 第一次上學

(Duration: 3m18s)

Dialect: Taiwanese Mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: Still remember your child's first day of school? Some children have no problems saying bye to mom and dad while some have anxiety about separation. The little girl in this clip is the latter type and is crying... but a kind little boy offers her some adorable consolation...


Recommended For Students In CCBG's Level 2 & Up

CCBG Short Stories Series — 鸟妈妈和大狗 (Bird Mother & the Big Dog)

(Duration: 1m18s)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: Level 2 Unit 37 short story.


Recommended For Students In CCBG's Level 3 & Up

Chinese Drama Series 1 Playlist — Home With Kids 家有儿女
(Duration: Approx. 25mins per episode)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: A popular drama series best compared with the US sitcom “Growing Pains.”

Children's Cartoon Series Playlist — Big-head Son & Small-head Dad 大头儿子小头爸爸
(Duration: Approx. 10mins per episode)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese

Synopsis: This story surrounds the cute and outgoing "Big-head Son," the main character, and his family — the mellow and kindhearted "Small-head Dad" and the beautiful and smart "Apron Mom." This family portrays the classic Chinese poster-household of the father being the head of the household and the mother as the lady of the house. Each episode tells the otherwise mundane everyday life events with humor and imagination.

Recommended For Students In CCBG's Level 4 & Up

Grimm's Fairytale — Rumpelstiltskin 妖精的名字

(Duration: 21m5s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The classic tale of Rumpelstiltskin.

Grimm's Fairytale — Snow-white And Rose-red 白玫瑰與紅玫瑰

(Duration: 20m35s)

Dialect: Taiwanese mandarin | Caption: Traditional Chinese

Synopsis: The classic tale of Snow-white and Rose-red.

Recommended For Students In CCBG's Level 6 & Up

Movie Excerpt — Kung Fu Panda 3 功夫熊貓3

(Duration: 53s)

Caption: Traditional Chinese

宝莲灯 (bǎo lián dēng) The Lotus Lantern (1999)

(Duration: 1h24m51s)

Dialect: Mainland mandarin | Caption: Simplified Chinese, Japanese

Movie: 宝莲灯

Synopsis: The story is based on a Chinese folklore about a boy named Chenxiang and his quest to rescue his mother, Sanshengmu (an immortal from the heavens). It is a tale about courage, persistence, friendship and love.

Chenxiang must battle his maternal uncle, Erlangshen (an immortal), who imprisoned Sanshengmu beneath a mountain for her crimes of falling in love with and marrying a mortal (Chenxiang’s father).

After surviving various adventures with many well-known and beloved characters from classic Chinese mythology, Chenxiang finally matures into a courageous young man and successfully wins his mother’s freedom.

CCBG Lectures

CCBG Lecture — Lunar New Year Series: Ep1 内蒙山西过年

Celebrating Lunar New Year in Inner Mongolia and Shangxi

By teacher Lei Zhang (张蕾老师分享)

Duration: 6m47s

Language: Mandarin, English

CCBG Lecture — Lunar New Year Series: Ep2 福州的春节游神活动

"Youshen" during Lunar New Year in Fuzhou

By teacher Hannah Zheng (郑彬新老师分享)

Duration: 8m

Language: Mandarin, English

CCBG Lectures — Lunar New Year Series: Ep3 食在中国年: 福州人的两个最爱

Food in Lunar New Year: Two loves of the Fujianese People

By teacher Dimi Wu (吴滴蜜老师分享)

Duration: 4m10s

Language: Mandarin, English

CCBG Lectures — Lunar New Year Series: Ep 4 What Chinese People Eat for Lunar New Year

By: Dr. Gisela Jia during the Brooklyn Music Conservatory 2021 Lunar New Year Celebration.

Duration: 14m21s

Language: English, Mandarin

CCBG students performing "It's A Small World" during the Brooklyn Music Conservatory's 2021 Lunar New Year Celebration

Duration: 2m8s

More Episodes Coming Soon!


CCBG Lecture — From Panda Poop to Ecosystem with Dr. Hao Wang

Duration: 1h18m4s

Language: Mandarin, English

CCBG Lecture — Indonesian Kecak Music with Dr. Niko Higgins

Duration: 38m47s

Language: English